= { resumeLink: /resume/ ,
email: gabefinch@gmail.com ,
location: { city: "Portland", state: "Oregon"},
githubProfile: github.com/gabefinch/ ,
linkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gabefinch/ ,
sampleProjects: [
{ name: "Answer Me" , description: "Rails application ultrabasic clone of Stack Overflow (users, questions, answers, best answer, votes)",
link: /answer-me/ },
{ name: "Flash Cards" , description: "Angular card practice app which uses a simple card sorting algorithm.",
link: /flash-cards/ },
{ name: "Forty Forty 100" , description: "Hack Oregon project presenting data about graduation rates. Helped integrate data visualizations and build the front-end",
link: fortyforty100.hackoregon.org/ },
{ name: "Humble Pie" , description: "Put together a pizza order, built for code school with JQuery and Bootstrap",
link: /humble-pie-pizza/ },
{ name: "Triangle Tracker" , description: "Sorts and draws triangles using canvas elements and the Law of Cosines",
link: /triangle_tracker/ },
{ name: "Maze" , description: "Maze navigation game built for Web 1.0 Conf",
link: gabefinch.neocities.org }
codePen: codepen.io/gabefinch ,
tweetage: twitter.com/grapefinch ,
pictures: instagram.com/grapefinch }